Do you still believe in the g-spot?

Do you still believe in the g-spot? - Scientists Still Can’t Find G-Spot - Girls, it’s not just your boyfriends and husbands, okay?

Even scientists in laboratories equipped with devices, educational materials, diagrams and non-bedroom lighting can’t find the g-spot. The elusive orgasm shortcut is called the g-spot for short, but it’s full name is the Grafenberg spot, after the doctor that first officially acknowledged it in 1950. Described in medical literature as a small protuberance on the area in the distal anterior vaginal wall, experts, couples and people who apparently don’t have g-spots have been bickering about the contested existence of the area- which is said to cause instant climax when properly stimulated- for more than 60 years.

New research published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, conducted by urological surgeon at Yale Amichai Kilchevsky took “objective measures” to attempt again to officially locate the g-spot in female subjects, and noted that again the research “failed to provide strong and consistent evidence for the existence of an anatomical site that could be related to the famed G-spot.” Kilchevsky instead proposed that the sensations some females report instead stem from interior stimulation of the clitoris, and likened the g-spot area to the base of the penis in males.

Kilchevsky described a good reason to confirm or deny the existence of a g-spot in the first place- the pressures placed on women who feel inadequate because they believe they are missing out on much-hyped g-spot stimulation. He says:

“Lots of women feel almost as though it is their fault… Men are upset they can’t stimulate it for their partners. The reality is that it is probably not something, historically or evolutionarily, that should even exist.”

(Is it just me, or does that kind of make it sound like Bigfoot?) Kilchevsky said that the porn industry holds much of the blame for promoting the idea that women have a magical orgasm switch that either they or their partners are just too inept or sexually unskilled to find. He likened the pressure to that surrounding penis size, and said that due to porn “now men are all talking about penis size… the reality is, most men have the exact same-sized penis.” ( )

Do you still believe in the g-spot?

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